About Us

First, I’d like to thank you for visiting Posturellama. Why Posturellama? Well, have you ever seen a slouching llama? My name is James and I created this site because I have suffered from posture problems for most of my life. I simply accepted or ignored my bad posture until it eventually started causing problems. What began with occasional neck pain, expanded to throwing out my lower back, and even more health issues. I finally decided to do something about it and began to learn everything I can about  posture and how to fix it. I joined a gym and started working out using a free workout program I found online at aworkoutoutine.com.  This site also educated me on nutrition and after a month at the gym I downloaded a free calorie tracking app that opened my eyes to what I was eating. While working on nutrition and strength training, I also discovered how posture has a bigger impact in life than most people can imagine. Just yesterday I came across another article linking bad posture to depression. After two years of consistent work I have dropped forty pounds and I am happy to say that my posture, weight, flexibility, and overall fitness are the best they’ve ever been.

I still see many people, some in my own family, who struggle with poor posture, that has gotten worse and more painful in old age. I realize that this does not have to happen and that with the right tools and knowledge, and a little consistent action, we can make dramatic changes not only in our posture, but our health and happiness. That is the reason I created the blog.

I am still learning about posture, fitness and nutrition everyday and I hope to keep this blog growing with new and useful information.  I hope you enjoy the articles and feel free to comment or message with any questions.